
Why We Give.
Our goal is to exalt God in all facets of our lives, and managing our funds is no exception. By using what God has given us, we both help spread the gospel and demonstrate to the outside world where our hearts are.
Giving and serving others are acts of worship that bring us closer to Jesus.
Thank you for giving to help others, wherever you may be.
What you’re giving to.
Rexdale Alliance Church funds all of its operations, ministries, outreach, and missionary activity through a one-fund model—the Ministry Fund.
We currently have two additional funds available for contributing to missions work—Missions Budget and Love Unending— with the understanding that once the budget or goal for any designated project is reached, any further funds received will be used in the Ministry Fund.
With the exception of the aforementioned, RAC does not accept contributions made in support of any other project, mission, ministry, or outside group. However, you have the option to directly support a particular ministry. For more information about the numerous domestic and foreign workers that RAC represents, visit Global Partners.
Ways to Give
Give Online
Make a donation using our Church Center portal. With your account, you can handle one-time donations, regular giving, and statements.
Give In-Person
Place an envelope for donations in our office mailbox located near our front entrance or in the offering plate as it passes during Sunday service.
Pre-Authorized Giving
You have the option to authorize RAC to automatically take money out of your bank account at the beginning or middle of the month (or both).
Email give@rexdalealliance.ca to request our pre-authorized giving form. Once you receive it, complete the form and send it back.
In February of each calendar year, Rexdale Alliance Church issues receipts for income tax purposes. RAC needs the donor's full name, mailing address, phone number, and email address in order to issue a receipt. Only contributions exceeding $20.00 in a given calendar year are eligible for receipts.
If a contribution is restricted for a specific project or program that the Board of Elders has approved, it will be used for that purpose only. The remaining restricted contributions for that program or project will be used wherever the Board of Elders determines is most necessary after the project or program's needs have been met or it cannot be completed for any reason.
The Rexdale Alliance Church Charitable Registration Number is 1407 1149 RR0001.